Friday 6 September 2013

Over sleeping! Kareoke! World Records and TITTTTTTSSSSSS!!!!!

Well that was quite a weekend. I always have to take a few days stepping outside of my competitive circle before I can really start to process the whole thing. With the age of the t’interweb videos and photos trickle through for the few days after a comp so even though the event is over the after tremors take a little longer to subside.

Folkestone is a looooooooonnnggggggg drive from Manchester. Our little team consisted of me, Mr G, our training partner Rik, and joining us from Olympic Sports Gym in Ashton were Cheryl Kelsall & chief coach Gaz Boulton. After having to wake us up because we over slept (DOH) we guzzled a coffee and then shoehorned ourselves in the car. Of course much was made of the fact that we over slept as I had been a mini time keeping Gestapo Commandant in the days prior with texts, pm's and face to face orders of not to be late. Poor Cheryl had to take the kiddie middle seat for the entire journey there and back and if that isn’t incentive to go up at least TWO weight classes then I don’t know what is. AND she forgot Pedro!!!! FFS Woman don't ever have children unless you marry a politician as only then is it OK to absently forget your offspring. Listening to Radio 2 with some ‘interesting’ music choices it was a good atmosphere and new karaoke songs were found.

The British Powerlifting Union (BPU) /World Powerlifting Congress (WPC) Folkestone International Open Grand Prix 2013 was a qualifier for the WPC World Championships which takes place in Prague in Oct/Nov of this year for which I had already qualified by winning my class last year. I felt that I needed more platform time before the Worlds as last year I was totally over awed AND under prepared.  Even though we were convinced we had taken all variables into account, we so hadn’t and that was a great learning curve. I think choosing do this comp was a very good move in hindsight as I made mistakes that I can now work on for the next 8 weeks and they were the type of silly mistakes that can only be made on platform. In powerlifting to really put into practice what we train in the gym you have to have you lifts up to be judged AND be prepared to accept the decisions made, learn from them and move on. What you THINK you are doing and what you are ACTUALLY doing can be worlds apart. Gym lifts just don’t cut it!

Weigh in went pretty smooth as I had decided to lift in 82.5kg instead of 75kg yet I wanted to make sure I was at the lower end of the weight class so weighed in at 75.5kg exactly to plan, perfect skinny fat burd. A little water manipulation meant I wasn’t on my arse. So some good food and rehydration would bring everything back to where it needed to be. This time I took in more salty foods than I have previously done and I think it worked really well. No sugar hangover. BONUS!

As this is my blog I will focus on how my day went. The comp was being run slightly differently in that there were 3 groups of two flights and each group would perform all 3 lifts before moving onto the next group. Me, being a bit of a numbnuts and a giddy kipper,  didn’t quite get this concept so I started my warm up for squats wayyyyyyyyyy too early. I had planned to get in early to ensure that I didn’t get left behind once the big boys started as I was in the 2nd group and 3rd lifter on but seriously not THAT early ! Due to this total knobhead error I decided to drop my opener very slightly as the time between my last warm up and my bar being loaded was just too long. Gaz had his work cut out with me and Cheryl on the day but as he always does he listened, hugged, growled and  then took suitable action which in this case was bitch slapping my legs before I went on. He did this with way to much of a pleasurable smile on his face and I am sure it was payback for me digging my elbow in his traps the previous week. It worked though, opening squat was sweet and the game was now on! My love of squats is non-existent and without knee wraps they are just plain wrong and fucking dirty as far as I am concerned yet this was the only lift that I got 9/9 for whites….go figure!

Bench warm ups felt sweet & strong in fact, better than they had done in training the week before. So opener was nice and easy and we took a jump to a weight I had failed twice in the last comp where I just couldn’t lock out. This time up went up a dream and I really thought I had it until I saw 2 reds from side refs which meant somewhere along the lift my ass came up. Now this is where platform time is so important. I was totally convinced my arse was planted like a big ass planted thing, it was actually the main focus during the lift but I must have lost it for a split second and BAM reds. OK this wasn’t going to happen again. I put the same lift in as this would still be a full power personal best for me. Went out and had it nailed – 3 whites.

Only deads to go.  I fucking LOVE deadlifting. I love deadlifting in front of a crowd. Actually I just love lifting in front of a crowd. I am a born show off. Gaz says I am a Peacock Lifter in that I always perform better in front of an audience and it’s true, I do which is such a relief.  I had put in a nice easy opener that I can get all day every day. Ahhhhh but can you really? Here we are again back to platform experience with your lifts being scrutinised and judged. Are you REALLY doing what you think you are doing? The bar flew up, I looked the ref in the eye ready for the down command…and waited…and waited…(internal dialogue) Put you fucking hard down! Ok…what have I missed? Oh KNEES locked them out even more…still no??? And shaking his head WTF??? Locking knees are going to snap…head still shaking. Down command given – 3 reds??? Now I KNOW I have missed something and when I left platform Mr G was waiting for me and said it can only be your shoulders, they want them pulled right back, so next time stick your tits out! Got to love that husband of mine. Next lift went in and I locked out like Dolly Parton on a fucking windshield! 3 whites. In reality this was a small movement of correction of sternum UP shoulder blades back & down. This will make the women I coach piss as I am ALWAYS banging on about shoulders back AND down. We picked 3rd and it went up faster than I thought it would, weight stalled and shifted onto my toes so pulled back on my heels locked out and thought TITS!!!!! It wasn’t smooth and I knew centre ref wasn’t happy but I got a fortunate 2-1 which I will take just as I will take 1-2 when I failed the bench. 

So the final results –

Squat 145KG (319LBS)   Bench 107.5KG(236.5LBS)  Deadlift 197.5KG (434.5LBS)                              TOTAL 450KG (990LBS)

As an added Bonus ALL the lifts are M1 82.5KG WPC Raw World & European Records as well as setting the standard for this class within the UK with the new BPU British Powerlifting Records.

The referees were duly thanked for being firm but fair as the red lights were probably the most positive thing from the whole day. The strength & power is there but it needs to be refined to technical perfection if I truly want to be GREAT at powerlifting. There is so much to be worked on before October and we are working with a new performance coach who will be taking no prisoners. I love meeting people who have forgotten more than you will ever know…the thing is I don’t think she actually forgets anything.

Please feel free to join me on this mad cap journey so I can prove a point that no one gives a flying fuck about!

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