Tuesday 27 August 2013

So I have actually ventured into the world of blogging. Ah well better late than never I suppose. I have kept training journals on various forums before now which has been fun, it just seemed about time I got in with the cool kids and had something a little more personal.

It's hard to know where to start with things like this. It's almost like writing an application for a very bizarre job. It will take a few posts/blogs/additions (I don't even know what the correct term is ffs) so hang in there if you can and I will try to keep things interesting...well interesting to me I suppose.

I am a powerlifter and I am proud of it. I love powerlifting, I love being strong, I love being around strong people. I am opinionated, passionate & very straight talking. I have a low bullshit tolerance and this doesn't sit well with many people and this bothers me not a jot. It is obviously not all I am but powerlifting and related topics will be the main aspect of my life that will be shared in this blog.

No doubt I will rant about other shit too. I mean what would the point of having such an outlet be if we didn't have the occasional rant. I am also sure to offend people should they choose to let themselves be offended. Don't choose to let my rants become personal to you because they will never be personal unless I actually name you. So if you are ever unsure as to whether I am having a go at YOU then the most likely answer is no because if I am having a go at someone in particular then I really do want that person to know. Quite simple. That said I do not ever do my wash dirty laundry in public & believe that I do not need to attend every argument I am invited to. Now we have that sorted let's get on with the interesting stuff.
On Sunday I have my next comp the British powerlifting Union (BPU) British Champs which is also a qualifier for the World Powerlifting Congress (WPC) World Championships in Prague in Oct/Nov. I have already qualified for Prague by winning my class last year in Vegas but I wanted to get more platform time to really hone in on what I need to work on for Prague. It's all well and good doing stuff in the gym but it's what happens when the pressure is on that counts, in fact for me it's all that counts when it comes to powerlifting. Talk is cheap as they say.

I won't be cutting any weight for this one as I had originally planned. I don't see the point of putting myself or my body under more stress than is necessary. I have been competing every 6-8 weeks this year and if I am not wise it will backfire. This will be my first time squatting in comp without knee wraps so this gives me an indication of what I will need to do for Prague.

The last week before comp I always get nervous. My internal dialogue is on overdrive. Thankfully I have a good support team around me that are used to my head-fucks and jitters and they keep me from going crackers. On the day I usually come up trumps and rise to the occasion yet I never quite believe this will happen again in the run up.

After this comp I will be working with a new coach along with my husband and this will be closely tracked in this here ploggy thing. It's the first time we be coached by someone on a regular basis which will be interesting to say the least. Nicola Vaughn-Ellis has a resume that few men and probably no women strength coaches can come close to yet she remains an unknown in most lifting circles. I think it will be a working relationship that will be delightfully messy at times :0)

So that is it. First plog.

Love, Light & Lifting!